Healing. Education. Advocacy. Respect. Training.
Please contact us if you would like to be added to our wait list for trauma therapy.
We are currently unable to accept new clients therapy services.
Please contact us if you would like to be added to our wait list for trauma therapy. 〰️ We are currently unable to accept new clients therapy services. 〰️
Providing support and education to reduce sexual and domestic violence against people with disabilities.
Everyone deserves to have meaningful relationships. Too often, people with disabilities are left out of important conversations that could ensure their safety when getting involved in intimate-partner relationships. HEART Consulting LLC provides services to both prevent violence through group education and community outreach, and support survivors through advocacy, healing, and empowerment. Our vision is to reduce violence through education, outreach, support, and advocacy, based on each individual’s needs.
4706 Cottage Grove Rd Suite 300
Madison, WI 53716
Recent Downloads & Guides
Sometimes it’s hard to take the first step to initiate hanging out with a friend, we don’t even realize how much planning and organizing actually goes into it. This planning tool can help you think about what you need to know and say in advance.
Dating is hard. We don’t always realize how much planning and organizing goes into the first step….asking someone out. This planner can help you plan in advance the things you’ll need to know to alleviate the anxiety of asking someone out.
Exploring our sexual orientation and gender identities is not always quick and easy. This one-page guide helps differentiate between the two, and provides some questions and ways to explore and better understand yourself. To go into more depth, we highly recommend the book Queerly Autistic by Erin Ekins
The internet can be a great tool for meeting people, but it comes with its risks. In this 14 page e-book, you’ll find helpful information on:
-Using social media
-Cyberbullying and stalking
-Online dating
-How to create a dating profile
-Crafting an online dating message
-Watching for red flags
-Real examples of shady online profiles
-How to spot grooming and what to do
Consent is more than yes or the absence of a no. Sometimes it can be hard to notice other cues and signals, set boundaries, and understand someone else’s boundaries. This ten page guide covers the ins and outs of consent, including
-Defining consent and what it truly looks and sounds like
-Saying No
-Hearing “no” from your partner
-Age of consent
-Consent and sexting
Sometimes we rush into calling someone a girlfriend/boyfriend without taking the time to get to know them and build trust. Here is a helpful guide to what most people expect when it comes to dating timelines, with each step described in greater detail on the second page.
Before getting into a relationship, it’s important that we reflect on our own needs, goals, values, and boundaries. Use this worksheet as a guide in determining what you are really looking for to help your search for a good partner go smoother!
Sleep is so important for our mental health, but sometimes it doesn’t come so easy. If you’re trying to determine the source of sleep difficulties, try using this journal to identify patterns.
What teens and adults need to know about sexting in a one-page resource. This is a simple guide with questions to ask yourself before deciding to send or request sexual images so that you can weigh the risks and benefits.
Social media is a great way to stay connected, but can also be risky if not used safely. In this simple one-pager, learn about red flags to look for online, what’s safe and unsafe to post, and some quick tips for online dating safely.
Finding information to help you and people you care about with developmental disabilities learn about relationships can feel overwhelming, there’s so much out there! We’ve compiled an extensive list of websites, books, podcasts, and videos to help caregivers in having conversations about relationships and sexuality to make that search easier!
Learn the signs that you or a loved one may be experiencing online grooming, and know what to do to be safe.
Sometimes it can be hard to say no, especially to loved ones. Here are a few ideas for ways to say “no” and be assertive.
Sometimes we treat mental and physical health differently, but they are both connected and need the same amount of attention and care. Check out this free resource that shows the importance of caring for both!
Recent Blog Articles
Seeing the news of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade has brought up many difficult feelings. We are angry, saddened, sickened, and heartbroken that politicians believe they should have the right to make decisions about a person’s reproductive healthcare.
For decades, the usual process for identifying and diagnosing Autism in kids has been a doctor brings it up, refers for a neuropsych eval, says something to the effect of “early intervention is key”, and recommends Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) to parents. And then parents are on their own to do their own research, which after this conversation can feel daunting as there is so much out there.
As a a part of mental health awareness month, I wanted to share some thoughts on various therapy approaches that may be helpful or harmful specifically to the neurodivergent community. Unfortunately, I have often had clients come to me with horror stories from previous therapy relationships, feeling dismissed, gaslighted, and misunderstood …
May marked the beginning of Mental Health Awareness Month. Honestly, after the past year we’ve had, I think we could all use a little support when it comes to our mental health. The list of mental health disorders is vast, and the statistics are staggering. I don’t think a person could exist in the world without knowing someone who’s struggled with one of the many mental health diagnoses. And yet, we still see a lack of funding and availability for proper mental health treatment. The stigma of receiving help, while it has improved, still keeps many people from seeking the support they need. Unfortunately, this pattern is familiar for another large portion of our population.
April marks both Autism Acceptance Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. There’s going to be all kinds of information shared, hashtags created, and events posted...which sounds really
“Ellen, owner of HEART Consulting, LLC, has acknowledged a problem and concern many guardians and educators have for their children and students. I have only had one student seek Ellen’s expertise as her business is new, but she made tremendous gains with a young woman who many identified concern for regarding her relationships with others (mostly boys, men, and strangers). If you’re looking for a learning experience about healthy relationships for your youth with a disability, she has the experience and the curriculum I have been looking for in supporting our youth! ”
“Let’s face it…no one wants to talk to their mom about dating and sex. Ellen was the professional intermediary we needed! She was able to work with our daughter to discuss healthy relationships, safety and dating, consent, control and all the other issues that we worry about as parents. She does this in a way a parent cannot…without judgment and the power struggle. We are so grateful for her guidance!”
““HEART Consulting, LLC was an amazing resource that I am so happy I discovered! Ellen is very professional, flexible, and creative with her teaching/education style. I would highly recommend these services for anyone working directly with individuals with disabilities””
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Healing. Education. Advocacy. Respect. Training.
Any relationship has the potential to become unhealthy or unsafe. Use this guide as a resource for noticing potential signs that someone is unsafe, as well as information to get help